[Project] Big power bank


Disgusted by the prices and available features of ‘big’ power banks (like >100Wh big), I decided to make my own. Before I create a death machine, I’d be grateful for some insight if I’m going to do anything bad.



Ideas, reviews, comments very welcome!

2 polubienia

I recommend you to take a look at an online shop https://eu.nkon.nl, I know they sell batteries with real characteristics.

Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately the cells I’d like to buy (cheap, high-energy, low-current) are out of stock :(

Anyway, the Allegro seller has quite a few acceptable reviews - some cells were 2600-ish instead of 2800mAh.

I think it will be more cost-effective to buy a few more, then check their real capacity and match them together. If it turns out to be really less than expected, I’ll just return them.

Just a hint. For the upgrade to the charger on the motorcycle, I’ve used the internals from some car PD charger. I’ve assumed it might be better than some cheap module. Maybe it would also be good for your use case.

Just curious, which ‘big’ power banks were you checking out before deciding to make your own and what features were they lacking?

Most of the big power banks (called ‘stacja zasilania’ for some reason) have

  • 1 USB-PD output - I’d like two of them
  • built-in 230VAC inverter - I want none, as everything mobile is now DC-based
  • no regulated 12V-ish power (my FT-817 likes 13.8V ± 15%, in practice 12.5V - 13V is perfect)

And also I wanted to build something useful ;)